THQ Nordic Teases "Darksiders" from Gunfire Games

The Biggest Tease out of THQ Nordic's Digital Showcase Left us Charred and in Need of Immediate Council...

The fourth entry in Episode 2 of our ongoing series, Games Ripe for Adaptation in TV and Film, not yet published at the time of this particular post (spoiler) is Darksiders. Little did we know when putting together that particular entry that publisher THQ Nordic would, in fact, tease something new in the Darksiders franchise from a gaming perspective. And when we say 'tease', we absolutely mean it:

That it's called simply "Darksiders" and features the Charred Council with the equally teasing line "Be Prepared to Ride Again" could mean just about anything -- maybe this is another re-release of the first game featuring War and Ruin, or maybe this is the much anticipated fifth instalment featuring all four Horseman as playable characters finally tying everything up. There's also every chance this is Strife's standalone adventure which would round out each Horseman's individual arcs, excluding the brilliant Darksiders Genesis of course, and with Gunfire Games (Darksiders III, Remnant I and II) at the helm, it really is anyone's guess at this point in time.

Internally we'll take just about anything, really. But the honest hope is this is that all-too-oft teased fifth entry (official fourth) with all Horseman playable and that, as a tangential series Airship Syndicate is hard at work on Darksiders Genesis 2. One thing we have learnt with this franchise, though, is you just never know what you're going to get and getting your hopes up is a folly exercise, at best.

Stay tuned for more as we have it.


Date: August 05, 2024

About the Author

Written By Stephen Farrelly
Stephen Farrelly is a veteran journalist and editor with more than two decades experience in the worlds of gaming, entertainment, lifestyle and sport under his belt. He is a proud pug dad, loves art in all forms but particularly street and tattoo culture, and is the director of Swear Jar...

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