
Episode 1: The BossCast has Landed

Watch the first episode of our official 'BossCast' podcast series...
~ 90 mins

The first episode of our podcast is here. We are a work in progress, so bear with us as we work our way around this definitely oversaturated world hoping our chats, insights and attempts at comedy somehow find an audience. Even an audience of one would be nice (but we do hope to rope more of you in).

True to the site's nature, we talk about what we're playing, from fresh, new releases, to older titles alongside what we're looking forward to on the release horizon, and why.

We also quip and thwip our way through pop culture tickles and try to land some comedy gold here and there, largely led by the comedy stylings (and genius) of Kosta.

We're hoping to get these out at a steady clip and will be aiming to keep them no more than the 90 minute mark our first one landed on. All topic suggestions can be added to the Comments on our YouTube Channel, via our socials in the navigation bar or by emailing us at!

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