Everything of Note from THQ Nordic's Digital Showcase
Ahead of the Gamescom trade and consumer event later this month (August 21 - 25), some publishers are getting in early to avoid the information dump and overall slaw that tends to trail such shows. One in particular, THQ Nordic, wrapped theirs in the weekend just gone where we not only got the teasiest of teasers, but also had glimpses at freshly-revealed titles, such as The Eternal Life of Goldman, updates on games still being tinkered with in various forms of release, such as Space for Sale and Way of the Hunter, new looks at expected sequels in Wreckfest 2 and Titan Quest II alongside a couple of remakes/re-releases by way of Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed and Gothic 1 Remake.
There was also a fairly graphic reveal from Little Nightmares I and II creators Tarsier Studios that, umm... well, kind of needs to be seen to be appreciated or cringed at, whichever your sensibilities put you down for.
We have all of the accompanying videos for each for you to peruse in a handy, single page right here, and you can even check out all of the screens for what had assets available for us to share in our carousel at the base of this newsie. And while this showcase was scheduled early to get a leg up, we'll know doubt learn more from each titles' showing at Gamescom in a couple of weeks, so as usual stay tuned for all of that as it becomes available.
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