Hades II Hits Early Access and is Already Making Waves
Hades II from Supergiant Games has entered into Early Access on Steam to great fanfare, with the developer proactively taking in all community feedback via updates, tweaks, nerfs and more. And while the game isn't in a state of completion by any stretch of the imagination, much of the placeholder content has been lovingly embraced to a point that said community is asking Supergiant to just leave them as is (not all, just some such as this one).
If you managed to spend even a small amount of time with the OG, you'd know that the game's strength lay in its ability to constantly surprise the plyer with new dialogue branches, new slices of narrative and new unlocks to look forward to. The economy is about as good as any in the Rogulike space and even after the credits might have initially rolled for you, so much more game was waiting on the other side.
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